Obituary of an Object

The Infamous Dinosaur Pin


The special Dino pin was born in a rundown, dangerous, neighborhood thrift store, in Kansas City, MO.  It lived in a glass case amongst other pins for the beginning of its life.  Its owner found it by chance on an outing with her sister-in-law.  The owner picked the Dino up and paid in full for its presence.  

Surviving the Dino, is Liz, her close friends who've seen and touched it, Liz's sister-in-law who witnessed its birth, and all the sweaters it clinged so tightly to. 

Throughout its life, it witnessed many events and situations.  It experienced fun and laughter as well as sadness and sorrow.  It experienced  weddings, funerals, friendships, a job, and love.  Its life wasn't a boring one.  It was simple, but exciting at the same time.  Every time the Dino went out, it was complimented on its appearance.  It brought an aesthetically pleasing comfort to those who pondered at it.  It made people feel good, just by its appearance. 

It always held on tight, even in the toughest situations.  The last journeys of the pins life were exciting and adventurous.  It lived each day to the fullest. The dino died by falling into the street.  He was alone, and no one is sure if he was found. 

Submitted by Liz on Tue, 10/23/2007 - 12:20pm. Liz's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version